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Most all areas have two shifts for each day:
11:30 am-2:00pm and 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
The food area has three shifts:
8:30am-10:00 am (set up), 11:30 am-2:00 pm. and 2:00pm – 5:00 pm.
Description of Areas
Food: You can sigh-up to bring food (see Vada Stallworth or Matthew Campbell for items needed) or sign up to serve. This is an important and fast paced area. This is where we share our best and unique offerings with our guest. Foods are prepackaged.
Russian Tea Room/Dessert. This is a another very unique opportunity for our guest to experience a Russian Team Room. This too is a very fast paced environment. Volunteers will prepare and serve tea and prepare blinis (crepes). Speak with Lana Finley for more information about this area.
Dessert Area: Committee chair is needed for this high paced section (please contact Matuskha Elizabeth or Sophia Rountree if interested). Like the food area, volunteers are need at the booth to serve and volunteers are needed to bake. This too is a very important area; people enjoy buying and taking home sweets from our dessert area.
Children’s Entertainment: This is a popular area with children and parents. Assist in various activities. Committee chair is needed for this important area (please contact Matuskha Elizabeth or Sophia Rountree if interested if interested).
Set-up and Breakdown: Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. This area goes very quickly, when we have plenty of people to help. Volunteers Needed – see Father Mikhail or Warden John Robinson.
Front Gate: Official Guest Greeters. This is where our guest get their first impression of our church and festival. Please see Sophia Rountree for more information.
Church Tours – talk to Fr. Dcn. Peter if interested in this important area.
Traffic navigators: Help is needed to direct traffic to an appropriate parking areas. At times the parking lot can get very overload and traffic navigation is needed to avoid double and improper parking.
Misc. items – help set-up speakers for entertainment, photographers, arts and craft vendors, etc.