We commemorate Christ's forefathers according to the flesh, both those that came before the Law, and those that lived after the giving of the Law
St. Isaac says: “By the mind we improve, and by the mind we become unprofitable, hence the one who today has good thoughts may very well have evil ones tomorrow"
On learning that I work at Optina Hermitage, people often ask me, “Are there elders at Optina in the present day?” or “How can I get to talk with an elder?”
He came to America as a young monk in 1794 as part of the original Russian Orthodox mission to Alaska. He lived there until his repose, and for more than four decades taught the natives by word and example.
St. Spyridon lived his earthly life in righteousness and sanctity, and prayerfully surrendered his soul to the Lord
It is impossible to count the names of all those Christians who have been raised up from the earthly Church in Georgia to the heavens, let alone to describe all the godly deeds they have performed.
Collected by St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain -
We shall prove from scriptural and patristic witnesses that it is necessary for the faithful and Orthodox Christians to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord frequently throughout our lives
an angel of the Lord announced that they would be the parents of a daughter, Who would bring blessings to the whole human race
A Miracle and the Life of St. Patapios of Thebes
trained as a lawyer, he learned his theology through intense study - he was successively baptized and then consecrated as Bishop of Milan
from Mystagogy - The Weblog Of John Sanidopoulos
By Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos from his book Life After Death
The Prophet Zephaniah was of royal blood, descendant of King Hezekiah of Judah. His prophetic ministry dates from the second half of the seventh century B.C.
in connection with the Attack on the Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut
As he called to Peter in days of old, so now he calls to us, "Come, we have found Him for whom we yearned."
By Archbishop Averky (Tauchev 1906-1976)
Archbishop of Syracuse and Holy Trinity Monastery
"I do not ask Christ to rescue me from the torments, but to strengthen me till the end..."
Run with gladness to the gift of the fast. Fasting is an ancient gift, which does not grow old or become outmoded, but is ever renewed and flourishes with vigor
The virtuous life, charitable works and prayerful activity of St. Clement converted many to Christ.
Betrayed by her pagan parents for believing in Christ, she was abandoned by all her blood relatives
His military victories in the West and diplomacy in the East kept northern Russia free of foreign domination.
master chanters would travel from choir to choir teaching arrangements...the last master chanter died in 1967
Homily by St. Gregory Palamas
As metropolitan, St. Philaret believed that it was his duty to educate and enlighten his flock about the Church's teachings and traditions.